Saturday, 10 October 2009

thought for the day

As we come towards Inter Faith Week in the UK, I thought I would share this with you -

Religion is like pieces of coloured glass that people are holding. Some picked up their piece of glass, others were given theirs by their parents, whilst others had a piece of one colour but exchanged it for a piece of a different colour. Some become very attached to the colour of their glass and feel it is the only colour worth having, even arguing with others about what is the 'right' colour, but others feel there is no point in having any piece as they can see nothing through it.
But there are those who accept all colours as equally nice to have. And a few who realise that if everyone put their pieces together it would make a beautiful picture.

"Consort with the followers of all religions in a spirit of friendliness and fellowship" Baha'i Writings

Saturday, 3 October 2009

back after enforced absence

It has been a challenging few months. I have been off with a hand injury after colliding with the road whilst cycling to work, back in May. Well the choice was either collide with the road or collide with the car that had suddenly appeared in the cycle track. Ho, well, the police say I lost control of the bicycle and are not taking any action. Several days in hospital, and several weeks of physiotherapy before getting use back in my hand.

At least with a cycle helmet, gloves and other safety measures it was not too bad. Broken hand, bruises and a lovely black eye.
Just as I was ready to get back to the computer, my home laptop died a death, so I had to select a replacement and then reload all the archives and other material from backups that I regularly take. (You *do* backup your computer, yes?)

So here I am again, with one of my favourite pastimes - sitting in front of a computer.