Saturday, 16 April 2011

so much time and so little to do

Actually, I find it is quite the reverse. so much to do and so little time to do it.
Apart from my full-time employment, which now seems to be taking over more and more of my time, I am also spending time helping others with their computing needs - training in web management, or simply how to use a computer for those who as yet have still never used a computer before. Then there is to support of the local village Gala, and the meetings to arrange all the details, and my meetings with the local inter-faith group, and of course my work in teaching the Baha'i Faith, giving presentations and running classes for children.

I find that turning to God in prayer, especially at sunrise, is the source of great inner strength.

This is my favourite time of the year, with all the plants putting out their flowers, the tree blossoms and new leaves everywhere. Perhaps I like it because it is also the time when, many years ago, I declared my acceptance of the teachings of the Baha'i Faith.

"A new life is, in this Age stirring within all the peoples of the earth"