Friday, 31 October 2008


How very strange that so many people spend time (and money!) planning events for celebrating the time when the spirits of those who have passed on are supposed to return to earth, and yet those same people deny any belief in God, saying that this life is the only existence we will ever have.

"Know verily, that the soul is a sign of God, a heavenly gem whose reality the most learned of men have failed to grasp. It is the first among all created things to declare the excellence of its Creator." Baha'i Writings


Anonymous said...

Godfrey, I think you've made a bit of a presumption here. Belief in the supernatural does not necessarily mean one believes (or disbelieves for that matter) in God. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I think you've built your arguement on a false premise and rather oversimplified things.
Efforts should be made in society to preserve our heritage and tradititions, in particular.
We give these up rather too easily. So its good to see that people still celebrate Halloween.
However, part of that process is to allow traditions and their significance to evolve, so that
they continue to be relevant. It is true that in the past our ancestors celebrated Halloween as
a festival of protection when they believed the boundary between the natural and supernatural
worlds were at their weakest. However, it is not correct to assume that this is the reason why
it continues to be celebrated. Part of its continued fascination is simply because people love
a good ghost story.
This said, it would be wrong to presume that fondness for a spooky story
is evidence of a belief in the supernatural. The immense power of human imagination has to
be considered. Its perfectly possible to enjoy ghost and horror stories without believing
in the supernatural, or at least that supernatural are little more then natural phenomena that
have yet to be explained. To put this point in context, many people enjoy a good Bond movie,
but I don't know of anyone who believes that James Bond is real or that spies really behave like that.