Sunday 10 January 2010

documentation required

an old point this, but worthwhile repeating. Keeping notes is important. You may be the one that comes back years afterwards trying to make sense of the material. The notes that you made at the time may save much time later on. That goes whether you are writing a computer program, running tests on computer programs, or just (as I have recently been doing) going through lots of old photographs. Actually there are over 1500 slides that I am digitising - and the notes I kept (each slide is numbered) are proving invaluable.

My aim is a comprehensive family archive on the one hand, and a new, updated set of slide shows (now called 'presentations') for the Baha'i Faith. Years ago I travelled the country, and across America, Canada and Europe, giving talks on the Baha'i Faith and carrying sets of slides to be shown at the meetings.

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