Thursday, 25 October 2007

Science and Religion

I am often asked, as a person who is trained in the ways of, and who follows science, how can I also be a believer in religion. To me the answer is clear and straightforward. I believe in gravity and the electromagnetic force, I can measure and observe their effects even though they are invisible. In the same way I believe in love, kindness and sacrifice and I can observe their effects on people. To me, those 'spiritual' qualities are just as real as the physical qualities of matter.
Science deals with the physical world and and religion deals with the spiritual world. They are not and never have been in conflict with each other. It is only people who do not fully understand either science or religion that have supposed a conflict.

"Weigh not the Book of God with such standards and sciences as are current amongst you, for the Book itself is the unerring balance established amongst men." (From the Baha'i Sacred Writings)

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