Thursday 8 November 2007

growth and change

There is no standing still. There is either growth or decay. When we plant a small tree, we support it by providing a post beside it and gently tie the young tree to the support. If there is no support we risk the young tree being broken before it is strong enough to survive on its own. But if we tie the support too tightly we can kill the tree by stopping it from growing.
In the same way we support our children by being there for them when they need us, but not being too restrictive. Sure we need to impose rules, but we must also allow them to make mistakes and still give them our loving support.

So when it comes to the world of work, how then do we expect to bring in new work practices without providing support for the staff who are affected? Training, support and care are just as much needed by adults as they are needed by children or plants.

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