Sunday 16 December 2007

Security - what security?

Whilst working on getting my network moved from a wired LAN to wireless, I discovered a neighbour had set up a wireless lan also. Nothing wroing in that, of course, but then I saw the details - "encryption none, access control none". I also saw the name of the network device and sure enough there is someone with that name living locally. In fact there is only one entry in the phone book with that surname. Now, I ask you, how sensible is that? My router box is configured with a SSID that is neither the name of the manufacturer, nor any name related to my family. Not only is the access to my device encrypted. but it has a MAC address filter enabled as well. This means that only the devices that I have listed can gain access to my network.
May I humbly suggest that anyone who does not have security enabled get it set up as soon as possible?

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