Sunday 9 March 2008

people networking

sometimes when so involved with your day-to-day life (maybe pressure to get a job done), it is so easy to forget a great source of help - other PEOPLE! Whether by email or phone, a posting on a support web page or just talking to someone at the water cooler (in the restaurant/snack bar, etc) it is by sharing your needs (how can I do this, what is the best way to do that) that we can both give and receive help.
It was said long ago "No man is an island", and in the Baha'i writings we find "God loves those who work together in groups". Humans are social animals, not meant to live in solitary isolation. All the teachings from the great religions give guidance and laws for living as community groups.
This goes for our work as well as our home life. We should be open to forming bonds of loving support and friendship because of the help we can give others, not just because we ourselves want to be helped.

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