Saturday, 26 April 2008

courtesy and politeness

If you want to gain supporters for a new idea, then it is obvious (at least to me) that you need to present your ideas in a courteous and kindly way. Sadly, I have seen a couple of email lists degenerate into abuse (what is also called a 'flame-war'). When that happens, I tend to ignore the one who started it, and give my support to the 'under-dog'. Others may just give up in disgust and leave the group altogether.

It is so easy these days, with computers and 'click an paste', to put large quantities of text into a message sent to many people. Many times I have found such content to be useless rubbish masquerading as scientific/factual reporting. And then there are the conspiracy theorists.

We should all be careful not to denigrate others, and not circulate material without checking it.

"For above all else it is the prince of virtues. Whoso is endued with courtesy hath indeed attained a sublime station." Baha'i Writings

Thursday, 17 April 2008

uncertainty at work

Many years ago, a job could mean having that same job for life. But nowadays, what with mergers and take-overs, and businesses ceasing trading, there is little certainty about having a job.
So if we cannot define a person by the work they do, then in what way do we view them? How does each one of us define our purpose in life?
Is it to be the wealthiest, the one who owns the most? Is it to be the most influential or the most powerful? OR is it to be the kindest, the most gentle, the most helpful?

"Be generous in prosperity and thankful in adversity" - From the Baha'i Writings

Sunday, 13 April 2008

work as service

There are large numbers of people today who say they work in the 'service industry', but how many really stop to think what the word "service" really means. It comes, of course from the same root as 'servant', 'servile' and 'servitude' and implies working for the betterment or benefit of others.

This is also true of those who undertake voluntary work - possibly for little or no pay - because they consciously want to improve the lives of others.

Voluntary work and service are, sadly, often looked down on by those who feel the main point of life is acquiring wealth and position. We seem drawn to the fame and glamour of the 'cult of the celebrity' and forget that we need cleaners, teachers, nurses and agricultural workers (to name just a few).

From the Baha'i Writings "Work done in a spirit of service is counted as worship"

Saturday, 5 April 2008

Honesty and truthfulness ?

"Say: Let truthfulness and courtesy be your adorning." Baha'i Writings

I went to the shop and paid for my goods in cash. Not too unusual for me. But the cashier made a mistake and gave me too much change. I looked at the money I had been given and asked her if it was correct. When she replied 'yes', I hesitated, and asked her if she was sure. She did not understand why I was asking and when I pointed out that she had given me more than she should, she replied "Most folks would have just taken it and said nothing".

I thought it sad that she considered most customers to be dishonest. I suppose it reflects on how we are each brought up as children by our parents.

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

we think ourselves indestructible?

"The time fore-ordained unto the peoples and kindreds of the earth is now come. The promises of God,as recorded in the holy Scriptures, have all been fulfilled." Baha'i Faith.

Travelling to work in the morning and back home in the evening on a bus gives me time to observe people in the town. I am still each day astonished by the silly and often dangerous things they do. Cycling the wrong way on a one-way street I regularly see, but yesterday it was someone driving a car the wrong way! He realised his error only when faced with a bus coming the other direction!
Then there are those who walk across the road stepping out into moving traffic. What is worse when I see a parent drag a child across a road, when the child but not the parent has seen the car coming towards them.

We spend so much time thinking about this physical world, and almost nothing about what we are to face when we leave it.