Tuesday 1 April 2008

we think ourselves indestructible?

"The time fore-ordained unto the peoples and kindreds of the earth is now come. The promises of God,as recorded in the holy Scriptures, have all been fulfilled." Baha'i Faith.

Travelling to work in the morning and back home in the evening on a bus gives me time to observe people in the town. I am still each day astonished by the silly and often dangerous things they do. Cycling the wrong way on a one-way street I regularly see, but yesterday it was someone driving a car the wrong way! He realised his error only when faced with a bus coming the other direction!
Then there are those who walk across the road stepping out into moving traffic. What is worse when I see a parent drag a child across a road, when the child but not the parent has seen the car coming towards them.

We spend so much time thinking about this physical world, and almost nothing about what we are to face when we leave it.


Anonymous said...

I think you'll find that cycling the 'wrong' way down a one way street recently became legal.

Anonymous said...

"Then there are those who walk across the road stepping out into moving traffic"

Never the people you want to do this though is it?

Anonymous said...

"We spend so much time thinking about this physical world, and almost nothing about what we are to face when we leave it. "

Not a lot to face when you're dead or are you an astronaught?

Talking of astronaughts, I always wanted to be shot into space. My father said if he wasn't drunk I would have been. Not sure I understand what he means.