Sunday, 13 April 2008

work as service

There are large numbers of people today who say they work in the 'service industry', but how many really stop to think what the word "service" really means. It comes, of course from the same root as 'servant', 'servile' and 'servitude' and implies working for the betterment or benefit of others.

This is also true of those who undertake voluntary work - possibly for little or no pay - because they consciously want to improve the lives of others.

Voluntary work and service are, sadly, often looked down on by those who feel the main point of life is acquiring wealth and position. We seem drawn to the fame and glamour of the 'cult of the celebrity' and forget that we need cleaners, teachers, nurses and agricultural workers (to name just a few).

From the Baha'i Writings "Work done in a spirit of service is counted as worship"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...and what about these celebrities who do massive amounts of work for charity then, Bob Geldof, Ewan McGregor, David Beckham, Paula Radcliffe etc? It seems to me you like pigeon-holing things in oversimplistic boxes (celebrity=bad).