Sunday 4 May 2008

importance of agriculture

We who use computers everyday can easily fall into the trap of thinking that everyone in the whole world has access to a computer, and that computers are the means to do everything.

Well, I have news for you. Not only are there many millions of people who do not have a computer, there are millions who live their lives completely without any computer. To them, the most important aspects of their lives are food and water. That is to say, agriculture (farming, herding) is a necessity, whereas computers are not.

Consider that now parts of the world are switching (or have already switched) to growing biofuel instead of producing food at the same time that poor harvests have also reduced the food supply. And why do we want biofuels? Because we are too reluctant to reduce our dependancy on the motor car, or to make more use of wind, water and solar power.

"Agriculture is of the first importance. All should be producers." Baha'i Faith


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately you cant run economies on agriculture despite what your faith tells you - maybe that was the advice given when the cult was established ... the world has moved on from then .. maybe you should do the same

Anonymous said...

Then why do you in IT, not agriculture, I wonder?