Wednesday, 31 December 2008

review of the year

Every TV and radio program at the moment, as well as each of the newspapers, is doing a review of the year, so naturally I have been thinking of the year just ending, and what I might expect in 2009.
It has been an eventful year and the media have made new celebrities (Olympic sportsmen), and villains (Bankers, mostly). I do not subscribe to this cult of the celebrity stuff myself. If there is any role model that I follow it is teachings of those whom I consider truly great - the Founders of the religions. I try to live simply, without being a show-off. I try to be kind and helpful to those around me, and take responsibility for my actions.

For me, I have noticed an increase in receptiveness to the message of the Baha'i Faith in all the people that I have met. Poor health has at times limited what I am able to do and I need to take more care over my diet and get more exercise.

"Bring thyself to account each day, lest death, unheralded shall come upon thee." Baha'i Writings

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