Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Economics of greed?

Well we have seen the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, where the leaders of nations and businesses met to look at the shape of the economic climate, and a lack of agreement as to exactly what to do to solve the problems.
This week has seen a report about the way we as a nation bring up our children in Britain, and it too paints a gloomy picture - but it also suggests some actions we can take.

It is not surprising to me, as I have long believed that we have collectively abandoned a moral and ethical basis for much of our national life. Politicians and business leaders have over the years put much emphasis on 'ownership', what we possess being seen as an indication of our status. This has led to the massive levels of debt being taken on by many people, who now that times are getting hard are unable to pay back - with such damaging consequences for all concerned.

It seems self-evident to me, that we should first live to a moral code, and teach it to our children. As long as we deny this, we shall never get out of the mess we are in.

"Be generous in prosperity and thankful in adversity" - Baha'i Writings

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

came across your blog via the next blog function. why do you moderate comments? are you against freedom of speech? presumably the "be high" cult dictates this?