Sunday 22 February 2009

Work and personal development

OK, it was not censorship that stopped me letting a posted comment get added to the blog. It was sleep! I added a comment of my own to the site, but forgot to click the 'publish' button on the comment that was waiting.

I seem to be involved with so many things at the moment, that access to the computer for my own personal activities is left to late at night, and the occasional weekend. I do use a computer at work, but I would never put it to my own personal use. I am being paid to work, and taking time during work for my own activities is just like stealing.

My employer does allow time for personal development, and even allocates time for the staff to undertake charity activities, but that does not include time to use personal email or social networking sites.

At the moment, at work, I am developing a training program for staff involved in automated testing> At home I am spending time setting up a family archive, going through family history - not just records of births and marriages, but also old photographs, and even trying to convert/rescue some old audio recordings made on a reel-to-reel tape recorder. Wonder what digital recording format to use? No question with the written material of course - the paper records and old photos have survived intact for over 100 years.

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