Tuesday 10 June 2008

ethics and computing

I was reading a magazine the other day and came across an interesting article that was discussing the ethics of using computers in warfare and whether it was morally wrong to kill someone when you were not there in person - such as using remotely guided tanks and other weaponry.

I'm sorry, but I believe that it is morally wrong to kill anyone. Full Stop. I feel that technology in all its aspects (including computing) should be used for the benefit of the whole of mankind and not just one (self-selected) part of it to the detriment of the rest.

It is a pity that computer people are not all committed to the ideals of peace and unity.

Abdu'l-Baha, in one memorable passage of the Baha'i Writings says that we have had warfare for over 2000 years and it is now time to work for peace.

"Peace, let it begin with me. We need peace."

We cannot fight terrorism, we must instead bring PEACE


Anonymous said...

You can kill people from your computer without like getting up and stuff. Whoa dude, that is cool. Where do you download the software from?

Anonymous said...

its a pity that people like yourself associated with weird cult groups arent commited to peace & harmony - let me put this to you, a very famous quote from a song " ...& no religions too .."
John Lennon.

Anonymous said...

"We cannot fight terrorism". Really? So are you suggesting we shouldn't bother bring those who commit acts of terrorism to account, then?

Anonymous said...

You're dead right Godfrey. Why are we wasting these resources when we could be directing everything towards space flight and the discovery of alien races.
We need to find these varmints and kill them before they kill us.
Has everybody forgotten the movie Independence Day ?

Anonymous said...

...except for God. Its okay for him to kill people isn't it? He kills loads of 'em in the bible. Take the flood Noah built his ark for as an example. Complete genoicide.
I wonder whether the war crimes commission should investigate him?

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that the world doesn't beat to the tune of just one drum? In fact, what might be right for you, may not be right for some. Personally I think it takes different strokes to make a world.

Anonymous said...

I think you're missing the point here Godfrey. Accepting that wars happen, then the development of unmanned, remotely controlled weapons surely would reduce the need for actual bloodshed. Imagine a world where wars are settled using unmanned weapons and vehicles (on both sides). In short a war of attrition on resources, with nobody actually dying.