Thursday, 26 February 2009

In praise of knowledge

I have just been seeing some of the unkind comments made regarding the young lady who showed herself to be so clever and knowledgeable on the TV quiz show "University Challenge".

Why are people so afraid of learning, that they have to attack those who have made efforts to do so? I would much rather meet, or read about, those who have put knowledge to use for the benefit of society - the scientists and engineers whose efforts have shaped much of the world around us. Not for me, speaking personally, the pop stars and media 'celebrities' who seem to seek only fame and fortune.

But then, I would say that, as I have been a teacher of science and continue to take an interest in promoting science.

"Regard Man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasure, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom." Baha'i Writings


Anonymous said...

GAIL Trimble, the University Challenge juggernaut, is to be burnt as a witch, it has been confirmed.

Good riddance to ye Jezebel!
The classics post-graduate student will be tied to a stake in the centre of Oxford this weekend after a baying mob of torch-wielding peasants denounced her as the 'whore-strumpet of Lucifer'.

Oxford professor Julian Cook said: "Her profoundly unfeminine trait of recalling large numbers of random facts is clear evidence of bewitchliness.

"And then there's all that raw, seething lust. Extremely distracting when one is trying to read Dan Brown in the original Greek."
Trimble has terrified millions of innocent people across the country with her ability to answer Jeremy Paxman before he has even finished asking the question.

And her fiery, witch-like temperament was revealed last week when she was overheard telling a frightened team mate, 'it's Thomas Aquinas, you unbearable shitwit'.

Emma Bradford, a terrified sales manager from Leeds, said: "How could any woman who is not the carnal chew-toy of Beelzebub know so many different things?

"Is she Satan's harlot? Or is she just a 26 year-old post-graduate with nothing better to do than sit around all day reading encyclopaedias and having tea and crumpets? Either way I think we should burn her."

Thomas Logan, bursar of Corpus Christi College, where Trimble has been swanning around for the last eight years, added: "I've heard tell that on a full moon she'll suck the brains right out of your nose and then recite the perdiodic table backwards in Aramaic while dancing naked in a circle with a murder of gigantic, two-headed crows.

"And she's also a bit smug."

Godfrey said...

At first I was inclined to ignore this, but as I read more, it became more and more hilarious. "Dan Brown in the original Greek" my eye!

A beautiful parody in the style of a newspaper report.